The NAME “Emberiza Sahari” is the genus name for the passerine bird in the bunting family Emberizidae indigenous to South Morocco. The Emberiza kept me company and helped in times of stress whilst the riad was undergoing a major two year renovation to bring it into the state you find it today.
The Emberiza is a resident breeder of dry country from north-western Africa from Morocco south to Mali and east to Chad. In Morocco, the species has expanded from the Atlas Mountains northwards since the 1960s, and has recently reached Tangier and Tétouan in the North and the southern shore of the Strait of Gibraltar.
In Marrakech the bird is considered sacred. Now most nights one may find it sleeping in the wooden portico of the entrance inside the riad. When one sees it there one knows that the riad is being looked after and nurtured. And always one smiles. The birdsong of the Emberiza Sahari is sweet and sounds a little like “Tebibte” which is its Moroccan (Darija) name.

The RIAD is situated in the neighbourhood of Zaouia Abbassia (Sidi bel Abbes) in the northwest of the Medina: authentic, tranquil and lively.

The neighbourhood is one of the best locations in the Medina not far from the souks and surrounded by major monuments. It remains comparatively unspoiled by tourism and has its genesis in the 12th century.The riad sits beside the beautiful shrine and mosque of Sidi Bel Abbes, the patron saint of Marrakech, just beyond the old gateway of Bab Taghzout. Born in 1145, Sidi Bel Abbes prophesied with success and worked miracles. He was a passionate exhorter of charity, particularly on behalf of the blind. His ghost is believed to haunt the terrace of the minaret of the Koutoubia nightly until every blind person in the city has been fed.

Traditionally, wealthy Moroccan merchants and notables began to follow a Sufic cult which grew up around Sidi Bel Abbes and its shrine.

Many of these notables came from Fez, and the private secretary of the Pasha of Marrakech lived in this small historic quarter which had many large properties compared to the rest of the Medina. Riad Emberiza Sahari is one such riad having been owned only once previously by the famous Morrocan Kabbaj family.


One of the distinguishing features of Riad Emberiza Sahari is its meticulous design, which skillfully weaves together Moroccan aesthetics with contemporary elements. The interiors showcase traditional Moroccan craftsmanship, from intricate tilework to ornate archways, creating an atmosphere that reflects the rich cultural heritage of the region. At the same time, modern amenities and thoughtful touches enhance the overall guest experience, striking a perfect balance between the past and the present.